Friday, November 16, 2012

Terra de Boa Gente

First three months at site. Check. The end of the first three months also marks the end of our travel restriction. For the first three months, we are not allowed to leave our province. So for me, I couldn't travel outside of Gaza. So to mark the end of this restriction, my friend Alden, a fellow Gazan, and I took a trip to Inhambane, "Terra de Boa Gente" (Land of Good People), the province north of Gaza.  First, we visited Adela in Inhambane City and then the three of us went to visit our friend Lisa in Vilankulos. It was absolutely beautiful. But, you don't need me to tell you that, check out the pictures below.

The view from the pier at Inhambane City looking at Maxixe.

Sunrise at Vilankulos


Sunrise on the beach in front of Lisa's house in Vil. We made friends with some of the local dogs who were up early as well. 

Our view from lunch at in Vilankulos

Adela, Alden and me in Vil!

Lisa, Adela and me in Vil!


The Catch of the Day down on the beach in Vilankulos.

The view of the islands off the coast of Vilankulos. You can take a boat to visit them and then spend the day out there, but unfortunately this wasn't in our budget as Peace Corps Volunteers.

Tofo, Inhambane 
Tofinho, Inhambane

Sunset over the bay in Inhambane City.
Better yet, come see for yourself! Before I left the United States, I know a lot of you said you were interested in taking a trip to the 'bique. Well, consider yourself invited. Now accepting reservations from now until August 2014. Just send me an email with potential dates and we will work out the details from there.

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