I have enough Christmas
socks to last me the month of December. And I love sending out snail mail
valentines to my friends across the country. And who doesn’t love mashed
potatoes, sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving? When I was
little, I always used to ask for a holiday sweater. Not just a holiday sweater
for Christmas, but I wanted one that had all the holidays—Thanksgiving, Valentine’s
Day, Halloween, Fourth of July-- on it so I could just wear that sweater for
every holiday. Yeah, I was THAT cool. Well, I never got the sweater. I don’t
know if something like that even exists, but last Christmas my mom did give me
a set of pins. Each one decorated for each holiday: a heart for Valentine’s
Day, a turkey for Thanksgiving, Frankenstein for Halloween, a snowman for
Christmas, etc. And, yes, they made it to Mozambique.
Yesterday, I proudly
wore my turkey pin as I introduced the criancas at CACHES about Thanksgiving,
Dia de Acao de Gracas. I did a brief lesson on Thanksgiving explaining how it
was the first meal between the pilgrims (peregrinos) and Native Americans
dating back to Plymouth 1621. I then explained how it is now celebrated the
fourth Thursday of November by eating a large meal with family and friends. I
translated some of the foods into English including turkey, potatoes, corn and
stuffing. We then made turkey hats.
After, I explained to
the kids how this day is an opportunity to take a step back and be thankful for
all the things in our lives. We then, wrote out something we wanted to say
“thank you” or “kanimambo” for. The kids generated a list including: life,
family, friends, CACHES, health, security, religion, avocados and food. They
each wrote out one thing they were thankful for and then painted a turkey. We
used finger-paints I received in a care package. They loved it! A special thank
you goes out to Donna for supplying the paints! Some of the kids hung up their
pictures in the art gallery that already exists on walls of CACHES. And
everyone continued to wear their turkey hats the rest of the night.
I want to take a moment,
in thanksgiving, to say “thank you” or “kanimambo” for all of the blessings in
my life. I am reminded of how fortunate I am to have the education and
upbringing I had. Without this education, I wouldn’t be able to dedicate these
two years of my life to the work I am doing. Thank you also to my new PCV
family here in Mozambique. We may have become family by default, but over the
next two years our bonds will continue to grow as we lean on each other. Thank
you to Peace Corps for giving me the opportunity to embark on this adventure.
And Kanimambo to CACHES, the Rural Hospital of Chicumbane and the community
here in Bairro 1 of Chicumbane. Thank you for being patient, understanding and
so warm throughout my first few months here. I am so excited about working and
living alongside all of you for the next two years.
And while I may be thousands
of miles away from my family and friends, to you, I want to say
“KANIMAMBO!” I am constantly reminded of
how much you have shaped and continue to be a part of my life. While we may not
be able to be together today or for the foreseeable future, I have all your
emails, care packages, and messages to keep me going. Keep ‘em coming! Thank
you for your endless love and support. I know I wouldn’t be here without it.
So wherever you are this Thanksgiving, take a moment to say, “Kanimambo.” And eat an extra helping of pumpkin pie for me! J